Month: November 2019

  • Is Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) the Future of Learning?

    Let’s Understand What are Digital Games A computer game is defined as such because the activity has goals, is interactive and  is rewarding (gives feedback). The gaming activities must offer the user the options to choose or define and then observe the newly created sequence. We describe computer games as being interactive based on a…

  • What a Child Learns in Grade 1 Early Childhood Development

    LANGUAGE SKILLS Listening and Speaking Each morning begins with a brief whole class oral activity. Use this time to: • Talk about the day, date, the weather chart, children who have birthdays and any special events for the day. • Check attendance: take a roll call to identify children present / absent • Hear a…

  • Reading – Milestones

    Forming a Concept of Reading [i] Where does it all begin? Pre-Kindergarten Children are learning the sounds of speech They are learning letter recognition They are becoming familiar with books and print They are learning the purpose of text They are using environmental print They are able to do simple retells and to notice words…

  • “Google it”

    “Google it”

    “The digital shift where we’re seeing information in different forms” When the teachers say: “Write a research paper.” Students hear: “Google it.” It’s no secret that today’s students conduct their research mostly through search engines. When you’ve got everything you could ever want to know right at your fingertips, why bother combing through online databases…