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Life Skills

Life Skills include the ability to cultivate:
- Self-awareness.
- Empathy.
- Critical thinking.
- Creative thinking.
- Decision making.
- Problem Solving.
- Effective communication.
- Interpersonal relationship.
So where do we start?
We start by developing and strengthening the learner’s knowledge of him/herself and the world around him or her. My physical body, my emotions, my relationships, my likes and dislikes. **********************************************************
The 21st Century has changed the way we do things. The new century needs active, informed and responsible citizens, who take responsibility for themselves and contribute to the community.
These capacities do not develop unaided; they have to be learnt. While certain life skills may be acquired through our everyday experience in the home or at work, they are not sufficient to adequately equip citizens for the active role required of them in today’s complex and diverse society.
Life Skills
- helps to develop self-confidence and to successfully deal with significant life changes and challenges, such as bullying and discrimination.
- It gives voice at school, in the community and in society at large.
- It enables us to make a positive contribution by developing the expertise and experience and help to understand our responsibilities, while preparing for the challenges and opportunities of adult and working life.
We do this in a fun and non regimental way
We learn to play and play to learn.