
Knowing and Working with Numbers

It all adds up

This is for Early Childhood Development – moms, preschoolers and teachers


  • Carefully considered Guidance for each topic
  • Basic Activities and
  • Enrichment Activities
  • Worksheets
  • Interactive Games

Every Mother is a “primary” teachers


Working with numbers – what a child should know

  • counting back/forward
  • arranging numbers in the correct order
  • writing numbers
  • quantifying
  • manipulating numbers
    • add
    • subtract
    • increase
    • decrease
    • what comes before
    • what comes after
    • what is one/two more than
    • what is one/two less than
    • (repeat addition)

SCOPE of the Numbers

The first thing to consider is the SCOPE of the numbers in relation with the AGE and MENTAL development of the child.

•          Age 4 and 5 – Start with 1 2 3 and up to 5

•          Age 6 up to 20

NOTE: learners may count up to 20 and up to 100 – but the learner may not be able to quantify or identify the larger number. This can easily be heard when they mix up the sequence of numbers. Don’t rush it, let the learner dictate the pace.

It is very important that number recognition is PROGRESSIVE and INCREMENTAL



Where do we start?                                                           


NUMBER CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT                      

Repeating something a number of times up to 5 (jump 3 times, skip 4 times, etc.)

  • Count concrete objects

Count to Five, Count to Four, Count to Three, Count to Two, etc

Representing each number with

  • steps
  • claps
  • fingers
  • beads
  • doing something a number of times up to 5

How to Represent a Number

Show me a number

number symbols
number values – quantify
Writing numbers – tracing
counting back(wards) – counting down – tracing
counting on your fingers
adding on fingers

Now we can play a game: Show me 1 show me 4

The teacher can use two hand two show numbers and learners can shout out the answers. This can start slow and increase in pace.

Counting out objects (add to – one more)

Learners pack these out to quantify the numbers that they have learnt. The can be given numbers to trace and then they have to count out the number. We can use cups, spoons, nuts, stones shells etc. at home / in the kitchen.

We can use almost anything to practice counting

Comparing Numbers

More or Less

Introducing the Abacus