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Let’s Learn to Read
Phonic Awareness
Anyone can learn to speak and read English. Follow the the fun activity below for a step by step approach. Try not to skip over any of the activities. The activities are graded to help you along.
Learning the Names of the Letters of the Alphabet
The abc Song

Initial sound. through this exercise you can learn the letter at the beginning of each word and the phonic sound at the beginning of each word
Drag and Drop to match letter with the picture a – e

clue: left click on the letter and hold down the button until you reach the correct picture. Don’t forget to check your score.
You may try as many times as you like. Enjoy!

Drag and Drop to match letter with the picture: f – j

Drag and Drop to match letter with the picture: k – o

Drag and Drop to match letter with the picture: p – t

Drag and Drop to match letter with the picture: u-z

Phonic Sounds

The sound that each letter represent.
Now that we have learnt the names of the letters of the alphabet, it is time to learn the sound that each letter represent
Hear and practice the correct pronunciation of the phonic sounds by clicking on the link below:

You can also learn how to form the mouth around each letter to produce the correct sound. Watch the video.
Some letters are sounds (like g) while some letters are simply the breath leaving the mouth (like f). Watch the video carefully to see how the letter sounds are formed in the mouth.
Phonic sound practice: Initial letter
Pop the Balloon
The alphabet consist of 26 letters a to z. There are two kinds of letters namely, consonants and vowels. Each has a distinctive role in words building.
Introducing – CVC – Words
Next we will build simple three letter words consisting of a consonant, verb and a consonant. Theses are CVC words

smallest word